Members at the counter of the Lutterworth branch.

Member Panel

As a member, you have a voice and we want to make sure it’s heard. If you would like to get more involved, consider joining our panel.

What is the Member Panel?

The Member Panel is a space for our members to engage with the Society, express their views, ask questions, and participate in our new initiatives.

We want to give our members a voice to help us shape the future of Hinckley & Rugby based on your feedback and engagement. Members will stay informed and attend meetings to gain a deeper understanding of what we can offer and provide their feedback.

Join the conversation today and start shaping your future with us.

If you’re interested in joining our Member Panel, simply complete this form and we will be in touch with you soon.

Member panel form
e.g. Joe
e.g. Smith
e.g. 07123456789
House name or number
Street name
City or town
Privacy: I/we consent to the information I/we have provided being stored securely within Hinckley & Rugby Building Society’s website only for the purpose of responding to my request to join the Member Panel. The data you provide will be deleted after Hinckley & Rugby Building Society has responded to you and we will only send correspondence in relation to the Member Panel.
Privacy Statement
Green and black chairs with the Annual Report and Accounts Summary document at the AGM.

How would I be involved?

As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to attend quarterly meetings throughout the year (currently in person only).

You will hear about our future plans, you can ask questions, speak to our experts, express your views, and trial new initiatives. This will allow us to gather your feedback and help guide our decision-making to shaping the future of the Society.

You will be among the first to learn and benefit from our latest developments, such as our digital plans, products, consumer duty, demonstrating the features of our website, trialling our future app, and more.

Your feedback helps us serve you better

Your input is important to us, and ensures we are considering what our members really need.

By sharing your views, asking questions, and participating in our initiatives, you’ll have a direct impact on the direction of your building society.

Together, we can create a building society that truly meets the needs of its members. Join the Member Panel today and start making a difference.

People sat at a table listening intently with paperwork in their hands.