All Society staff are encouraged to take time out of their busy working day to share their skills and time. Many choose to do so through our ongoing partnership with Leicestershire Cares – a charity which partners supportive community projects with Leicestershire-based businesses.
From one-off team challenges to weekly commitments, it is likely you will have spotted our people out volunteering near you.
We’ve had teams of litter pickers in local towns, individuals making PPE equipment for the NHS, and marshalling Covid-19 centres, individuals supporting career sessions for business students organised by North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College, and volunteers lending a hand at local foodbanks.

Numerous members of staff hold roles within the community volunteering on a regular basis including: school governors, coaching a youth football team in Hinckley, a director at Hinckley Business Improvement District (BID), a trustee and steering group chair for local mental health charity Lamp, trustee for Hinckley Ladies Circle, a Scout leader and a treasurer, a community gardener, a non-executive director at Ahead Partnership, and members of steering group for the Yes Project.
As you can see, our people are more than happy to roll their sleeves up and get stuck in to show they care, and the figures speak for themselves with over 1,200 volunteering hours given back by our people throughout 2022. We feel the benefits of these activities too, as staff gain valuable skills and life experience which enhance their value to our business and ultimately bring us closer to our heartlands.

Interested in receiving support?
Like many mutual societies, we receive requests for support in the form of time, skills and resources. If you would like the Society to consider supporting your charity or organisation, get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.
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