HomeSavingsExisting Savings CustomersImportant account informationChanges to savings accounts

Changes to savings accounts

We have made some changes to our savings accounts to reduce the number of different accounts we hold and simplify the terms. As a result, from the 25th July 2023 we have made the following changes to our accounts, as detailed below.

Also, due an increased number of requests from our customers for higher savings limits, we have raised the maximum savings amount from £300,000 to £500,000. We hope this increase will provide you with greater flexibility, helping to meet your needs and support your financial goals.

Full Terms & Conditions of all our Savings Accounts can be found on our here or ask for a copy from your local branch or agency.

If you have any queries, please call us on 0800 434 643 or visit your local branch or agency.

Existing Savings AccountNew Savings Account as of 09/01/24
Regular Savings Plus
Tracker Savings Bond
Anniversary Loyalty Bond
Tracker Easy Access
Existing Savings AccountNew Savings Account as of 14/11/23
90 Day Notice Postal90 Day Notice
Existing Savings AccountNew Savings Account as of 03/11/23
Starter 4 Ten Children’s SaverYoung Saver
Existing Savings AccountNew Savings Account as of 11/10/23
Eagle Easy Access Monthly Interest
Loyal Saver Monthly Interest
Panther Monthly Interest
Panther Plus
Panther Plus Monthly Interest
Plain Sailing Monthly Interest
Post Haste
Easy Access
Existing Savings AccountNew Savings Account as of 04/08/23
Easy Access Starter
Everyday Savings
Eagle Easy Access
Plain Sailing (Previously High Rise)
Loyal Saver Easy Access
Nest Egg
High Rise International
Easy Access
Rainy Day 60 Day Notice60 Day Notice
Rainy Day 60 Day Notice – Monthly Interest60 Day Notice
Rainy Day 90 Day Notice90 Day Notice
Rainy Day 90 Day – Monthly Interest90 Day Notice
Rainy Day 120 Day Notice120 Day Notice
Rainy Day 120 Day Monthly Interest120 Day Notice
Existing Savings AccountNew Terms as of 25/07/23
Hospice AffinityMinimum balance reduced from £500 to £1, withdrawal restrictions of £250 cheque only withdrawals removed.
Existing Savings AccountNew Terms as of 25/03/24
Business 30
Business 90
Removal of post code area restrictions.
Charity Accumulator – Easy Access
Charity Accumulator – 90 Day Notice
Offset Savings
30 Day Notice Postal
Premium Saver
Bank Base Rate Tracker
Minimum withdraw restrictions removed.
Existing Savings AccountNew Savings Account as of 23/04/24
Cash ISA (previously TESSA only ISA): 2.00%
Variable Rate Cash ISA: 2.00%
Easy Access Cash ISA: 2.00%