Community Sponsorship Scheme

Hinckley & Rugby has a long history of supporting its local communities. This Scheme aims to encourage small local charities, community groups and causes to apply for donations of up to £500.

Building on our long-standing support of our local communities

The Society has been supporting its local communities for decades. Whether it be monetary donations to local community groups, fundraising for charities close to our heart, or sharing our time and skills through volunteering activities, we’ve been on hand to offer our help and give back where we can. Our Community Sponsorship Scheme will help us do even more.

Colleagues volunteering outside in an allotment.

Apply now

To apply you will need to fill in our online application form. This will arrive in our inbox, ready to be considered by our committee the next time we meet.

How the Community Sponsorship Scheme works

How we can help you

We will provide our support to local small charities, community groups and causes by means of sponsorships of up to £500, together with the potential for practical support with promotion and volunteering.

Check if you're eligible

Your local charity, community group or cause needs to based in Leicestershire or Warwickshire to apply to our Sponsorship Scheme.


To apply you will need to fill in our online application form. This will arrive in our inbox, ready to be considered by our committee the next time we meet.

Next steps

We aim to meet to discuss applications every two weeks. If you are successful, we will contact you to let you know what the next steps are and detail any requirements we have of you, such as any photographs or quotes. For our full T&Cs please click below.

Apply now

To apply you will need to fill in our online application form. This will arrive in our inbox, ready to be considered by our committee the next time we meet.

Frequently asked questions