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Hinckley & Rugby Building Society picks to support the Great British Spring Clean

Hinckley & Rugby Building Society has joined in with the national initiative ‘The Great British Spring Clean’ by organising two litter picking events within its local communities. 

Ten members of staff took part in the litter picks – one in Lutterworth held on 10 June and the other in Hinckley on 11 June, as part of the event which ran from 18 May – 13 June.  The initiative was designed to help clean up Britain’s streets, beaches and parks in a crusade to eliminate rubbish and waste. 

Joanne Rogers,  Assistant Office Manager at Hinckley & Rugby’s Lutterworth branch, organised and took part in the litter pick in the town:  

“It was really great to get out on such a lovely morning and take part. We were quite fruitful with our litter picking and we were greeted by lots of ‘thank yous’ from people out and about in Lutterworth, including members of the Town Council who were over the moon with our efforts and suggested some other hot spots for us to tackle next! Being out in the fresh air and sunshine was an added bonus to a worthwhile volunteering session. Thank you to all of our colleagues who joined in.” 

As part of the Society’s determination to help the environment, it has also pledged its support to a local litter picking group, the South Leicestershire Litter Wombles, donating £500 for new litter picking equipment. 

Jo, who also volunteers with the South Leicestershire Wombles, said:  

“A huge thank you to Hinckley & Rugby Building Society for their fantastic donation of new equipment for the South Leicestershire Wombles. We have been so busy out there tidying up our communities and helping wildlife thrive. It’s really great to know that we have support from a local business with an environmental ethos.”